Exeter Science Choir is the latest addition to the South Devon Singers family of choirs, and will always specialise in repertoire inspired by science. 


Some songs are brimming with fascinating science information, (such as 'Intelligent Slime Mould' or 'Red Supergiant'), others are more contemplative, but could only have been written from a scientific point of view (such as 'Stargazing' or 'Four Billion Years'). 


We have jazzy songs, funky songs, ballads, showstoppers, contemporary classical numbers, and others that simply defy classification, such as 'Chomsky's Brain' and 'Matabele Ants'.


David Haines' science songs have been performed at science festivals in Birmingham, Liverpool, Guildford, Milton Keynes, Exeter, Teignmouth, Ivybridge, Plymouth, Cambridge & Boston (Massachusetts,) Washington DC, St Louis and Los Angeles as well as at numerous other locations - including a nightclub in Chicago where, apparently, his 'Mr Darwin' song is performed every 12th February - Charles Darwin's birthday ?.


New Scientist's profile of the composer was headlined 'Love Songs to Science', which is exactly what he writes.  You'll love them too, and they'll inspire an enthusiasm for all sorts of areas of science you may not have known much about before - be it quarks or viruses, exoplanets or extinction,  rocket propulsion or dinosaurs.


Come along any week you like to our Thursday evening sessions 7-8.30pm in the warm and comfortable surroundings of Lecture Theatre C, Streatham Court, Rennes Drive EX4 4PU.  Turn off Rennes Drive towards the Business School, and it's your first building immediately on the right.  


All welcome - no previous experience needed.  


Exeter Science Choir is grateful to Exeter University and Devon County Council for their support.
